
  • Our brand story of Apricot Lamb

    Our brand story of Apricot Lamb

    Regarding the word “ apricot lamb” , we always think about it is a delicious dishes.  For those two words , no one will put them together except be a food. But lamb is really very cute mascot. Our Founder put the apricot plus lamb together to create the new plush toy brand “Apricot lamb”. Becau...
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  • How to wash plush toys/ soft toys?

    Many people will hold the plush toy in their arms or even sleep with them. But they all worry that the plush toys will inevitably get dirty after a long time, so can the plush toys be washed? How to wash plush toys? Apricot Lamb will teach you. ☆Dry cleaning is generally applicable to dolls that...
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  • The plus side of Plush Toys

    Everyone remembers the stuffed animal they loved and cherished as a kid. The bunny rabbit you held tight every night. The teddy bear that accompanied you on every trip. The plushy pup who had its own seat next to you at the dinner table. On the outside, these toys are so...
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  • Why buy stuffed animals / plush toys for children

    Sometimes parents think that plush toys are dispensable for babies,they think although the plush toys are cute and comfortable, but when it comes to practical use, it can neither develop intelligence like building blocks nor increase the baby’s musicality like other musical toys. So they think pl...
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